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The story of an orphan bat

by Alessandra Tomassini and Marco D’Amico
Director: Paolo Laici
Duration: 25 mins

dvd novità: Storia di un orfano di pipistrelloThis documentary was made on DVD by the naturalist Alessandra Tomassini and the journalist Marco D’Amico at the Italian League for Bird Protection’s Rome Wildlife Rescue Centre and their Mediterranean Habitat Centre in Ostia. It tells the story of Divo, a baby Pipistrellus kuhlii or Vesper bat. Divo is an orphan.
We follow his story from the moment he falls out of his nursery until he is released back into the wild.
Alessandra Tomassini is one of Italy’s leading chiroptera experts, and she looks after little Divo through each stage of his growth. She uses an innovative technique to suckle him as naturally as possible, rather than using an invasive feeding tube. Divo soon finds his feet and then his wings and is ready to be released back into the wild.
This film uses attractive modern graphics to give expert advice on what to do if you find a stray bat and provides a wealth of information through its fascinating storyline. We discover that much-maligned animal the bat better, debunking all the old wives’ tales that surround it.
A valuable chance to get to know and love these fantastic animals better and respect them more!

Authors: Alessandra Tomassini and Marco D’Amico
Director: Paolo Laici
Speaker: Kirsty
Category: Scientific documentary
Duration: 25 mins.
Production: 2011
Music: Rai Trade
Graphical DVD: Quality Lab
Video format 16/9 – DVD
Language Italian/English
Audio: Stereo
Production: Alessandra Tomassini and Marco D’Amico

To receive it: you can make a donation from € 15.00 (including postage) that will serve as a contribution to our research projects and bat conservation

The DVD is also available in English



2 Commenti

  1. Mary D. Smith

    How can I order two copies of the Story of the Orphan Bat DVD, in English?

    Mary D. Sxxxx
    2xx Sxxxx xx Dr
    Pxxxxxo, OH 430xx


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